Two Steps Forward, Ten Pounds Back

Ho-kay. I’m not happy at all to be writing this.

Despite eating better and moving more, I’ve regained all the weight I had lost recently– 10 pounds. I’m frustrated and feeling defeated, but I’m determined not to let this alter my plans.

Discipline and determination have to take the place of motivation. 

Have I wallowed and thrown a pity party this morning? You bet I did. Is all of this going to keep me from my run this evening? It absolutely will now. My plan is to take all of this disappointment, force it to assume the form of anger, and channel it into my workouts. I have my runs planned out for the rest of this month so there is no reason for excuses. And no more just running; it’s time to add in some strength training and get back into yoga. My will power is stronger than my motivation will ever be.

Progress is not linear.

That is my reminder for today and the rest of this week. I will be back where I want to be and then further. I will not give up on myself, and I deserve to keep pushing. I don’t need to punish myself for slipping, but I do need to keep myself more accountable with snacking and staying active even on rest days. I will go back to tracking my food, too. Possibly rough calorie counts, but I’ll probably keep that private.

The summer season is drawing to a close. I have about a month before the fall semester starts. My goal is to be back where I was, or at least close. It’s time to kick some ass.

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